${e_{it}}$ can exhibit both cross-sectional and temporal dependence.
Given the factor number $k$, we can estimate the factors and factor loadings by
\Big\{\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}}^k, \widehat{\boldsymbol{F}}^k\Big\}=\arg\min_{\boldsymbol{\Lambda}^k,\boldsymbol{F}^k}\frac{1}{NT}\Big\|\boldsymbol{X}- \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^k{\boldsymbol{F}^k}^\top\Big\|_F^2
where $\boldsymbol{\Lambda}^k\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times k}$ and $\boldsymbol{F}^k\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times k}$.
Factor model in balanced panel has been thoroughly investigated.
How to handle the missing data problem in factor models?
the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm
the Kalman filter (KF)
There is no formal study of the asymptotic properties for the EM estimators of the factors and factor loadings for the PC estimation with missing observations
consider the factor model
\boldsymbol{X} = \boldsymbol{F}\boldsymbol{\Lambda}^\top + \varepsilon
$\boldsymbol{X}=(X_1,\ldots,X_N)$ where $X_i \equiv\left(X_{i 1}, \ldots, X_{i T}\right)^{\prime}$ and $X_{it}$ are missing at random
$\varepsilon=\left(\varepsilon_1, \ldots, \varepsilon_N\right)$ and $\varepsilon_i \equiv\left(\varepsilon_{i 1}, \ldots, \varepsilon_{i T}\right)^{\prime}$ for $i=1, \ldots, N$.
$F=\left(F_1, \ldots, F_T\right)^{\prime}$ and $\Lambda=\left(\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_N\right)^{\prime}$ where $F_t$ and $\lambda_i$ are $R \times 1$ vectors of factors and factor loadings
$F^0=\left(F_1^0, \ldots, F_T^0\right)^{\prime}$ and $\Lambda^0=\left(\lambda_1^0, \ldots, \lambda_N^0\right)^{\prime}$ are the true values of $F$ and $\Lambda$
$\Omega \subset[N] \times[T]$ be the index set of the observations that are observed. That is,
\Omega=\Big\{(i, t) \in[N] \times[T]: X_{i t} \text { is observed }\Big\}.
Let $G$ denote a $T \times N$ matrix with $(t, i)$ th element given by $g_{i t}=\mathbf{1}\{(i, t) \in \Omega\}$ and is independent of $X, F^0, \Lambda^0$ and $\varepsilon$
The initial estimates
Let $\tilde{X}=X \circ G$ and $\tilde{X}_{i t}=X_{i t} g_{i t}$.
The common component $C^0 \equiv F^0 \Lambda^0$ is a low rank matrix $\Rightarrow$ it is possible to recover $C^0$ even when a large proportion of elements in $X$ are missing at random.
Under the standard condition that $E\left(\varepsilon_{i t} \mid F_t^0, \lambda_i^0\right)=0$, we can verify that $E\left(\frac{1}{q} \tilde{X} \mid F^0, \Lambda^0\right)=F^0 \Lambda^{0 \prime}$ $\Rightarrow$ consider the following least squares objective function
\mathcal{L}_{N T}^0(F, \Lambda) \equiv \frac{1}{N T} \operatorname{tr}\left[\left(\frac{1}{\tilde{q}} \tilde{X}-F \Lambda^{\prime}\right)\left(\frac{1}{\tilde{q}} \tilde{X}-F \Lambda^{\prime}\right)^{\prime}\right]
identification restrictions: $F^{\prime} F / T=I_R$ and $\Lambda^{\prime} \Lambda$ is a diagonal matrix.
By concentrating out $\Lambda$ and using the normalization that $F^{\prime} F / T=I_R$ $\Rightarrow$ identical to maximizing $\tilde{q}^{-2} \operatorname{tr}\Big\{F^{\prime} \tilde{X} \tilde{X}^{\prime} F\Big\}$
The initial estimates
The estimated factor matrix, denoted by $\hat{F}^{(0)}$ is $\sqrt{T}$ times the eigenvectors corresponding to the $R$ largest eigenvalues of the $T \times T$ matrix $\frac{1}{N T \tilde{q}^2} \tilde{X} \tilde{X}^{\prime}:$
\frac{1}{N T \tilde{q}^2} \tilde{X} \tilde{X}^{\prime} \hat{F}^{(0)}=\hat{F}^{(0)} \hat{D}^{(0)},
$\hat{D}^{(0)}$ is an $R \times R$ diagonal matrix consisting of the $R$ largest eigenvalues of $\left(N T \tilde{q}^2\right)^{-1} \tilde{X} \tilde{X}^{\prime}$, arranged in descending order along its diagonal line.
The estimator of $\Lambda^{\prime}$ is given by
\hat{\Lambda}^{(0) \prime}=\frac{1}{\tilde{q}}\left(\hat{F}^{(0) \prime} \hat{F}^{(0)}\right)^{-1} \hat{F}^{(0) \prime} \tilde{X}=\frac{1}{T \tilde{q}} \hat{F}^{(0) \prime} \tilde{X} .
We can obtain an initial estimate of the $(t, i)$ th element, $C_{i t}^0$, of $C^0$ by $\hat{C}_{i t}^{(0)}=\hat{\lambda}_i^{(0)\prime} \hat{F}_t^{(0)}$.
The initial estimators $\hat{F}_t^{(0)}, \hat{\lambda}_i^{(0)}$ and $\hat{C}_{i t}^{(0)}$ are consistent and follow mixture normal distributions under some standard conditions.
The iterated estimates
The initial estimators: consistency but not asymptotically efficient $\Rightarrow$ iterative estimators
In step $\ell$, we can replace the missing values $\left(X_{i t}\right)$ in the matrix $X$ with the estimated common components $\hat{C}_{i t}^{(\ell-1)}$. Define the $T \times N$ matrix $\hat{X}^{(\ell)}$ with its $(t, i)$ th element given by
\hat{X}_{i t}^{(\ell)}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}
X_{i t} & \text { if }(i, t) \in \Omega \\
\hat{C}_{i t}^{(\ell-1)} & \text { if }(i, t) \in \Omega_{\perp}
\end{array}, \ell \geq 1,\right.
where $\Omega_{\perp}=\{(i, t) \in[N] \times[T]:(i, t) \notin \Omega\}$.
Then we can conduct the PC analysis based on $\hat{X}^{(\ell)}$ and obtain $\hat{F}^{(\ell) \prime}$ and $\hat{\Lambda}^{(\ell)}$.
We will study the asymptotic properties of $\hat{F}_t^{(\ell)}, \hat{\lambda}_i^{(\ell)}$ and $\hat{C}_{i t}^{\left(\ell^{\ell}\right)}, \ell=1,2, \ldots$
Asymptotic properties of the initial estimators
Theorem 2.1. Suppose some assumptions hold. Then
$$\frac{1}{T}\Big\|\hat{F}^{(0)}-F^0 \hat{H}^{(0)}\Big\|_F^2=O_P\left({\color{red}\delta_{N T}^{-2}}\right)$$
where $\delta_{N T}=\sqrt{N} \wedge \sqrt{T}$.
$\hat{H}^{(0)}$ is defined as
\hat{H}^{(0)}=\left(N^{-1} \Lambda^{0 \prime} \Lambda^0\right) T^{-1} F^{0 \prime} \hat{F}^{(0)}\left(\hat{D}^{(0)}\right)^{-1},
where $\hat{D}^{(0)}$ is asymptotically nonsingular by Lemma A.1.
Asymptotic distributions
Theorem 2.2. Suppose some assumptions hold. Suppose that $\left(T^{1 / 2}+N^{1 / 2}\right) \delta_{N T}^{-2}=o(1)$. Let $\hat{\Pi}_{t N}^{(0)}=\sqrt{N}\Big(\hat{F}_t^{(0)}-\hat{H}^{(0) \prime} F_t^0\Big)$ and $\hat{\Pi}_{i T}^{(0)}=\sqrt{T}\Big(\hat{\lambda}_i^{(0)}-(\hat{H}^{(0)})^{-1} \lambda_i^0\Big)$. Then as $(N, T) \rightarrow \infty$
$\Big(\frac{1}{N} \Sigma_{F, i t}^{(0)}(q)+\frac{1}{T} \Sigma_{\Lambda, i t}^{(0)}(q)\Big)^{-1 / 2}\Big(\hat{C}_{i t}^{(0)}-C_{i t}^0\Big) \stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} N(0,1)$,
Asymptotic properties of the iterated estimators
Theorem 2.3. Suppose some assumptions hold. Then
$$\frac{1}{T}\Big\|\hat{F}^{(\ell)}-F^0 \hat{H}^{(\ell)}\Big\|^2=O_P\left(\delta_{N T}^{-2}\right)$$
for each $\ell$, where $\hat{H}^{(\ell)}$ is defined as
\hat{H}^{(\ell)}=\left(N^{-1} \Lambda^{0 \prime} \Lambda^0\right) T^{-1} F^{0 \prime} \hat{F}^{(\ell)}\Big(\hat{D}^{(\ell)}\Big)^{-1},
Asymptotic distributions
Theorem 2.4. Suppose some assumptions hold. Suppose that $\sqrt{N}\big(T^{\gamma_1 / 4} \delta_{N T}^{-2} \ln T+T^{-1+3 \gamma_1 / 4}\big)=o(1)$ and $\sqrt{T}\big(N^{\gamma_2 / 4} \delta_{N T}^{-2} \ln N+N^{-1+3 \gamma_2 / 4}\big)=o(1)$. Let $\hat{\Pi}_{t N}^{(\ell)}=\sqrt{N}\Big(\hat{F}_t^{(\ell)}-\hat{H}^{(\ell) \prime} F_t^0\Big)$ and $\hat{\Pi}_{i T}^{(\ell)}=\sqrt{T}\Big(\hat{\lambda}_i^{(\ell)}-\hat{H}^{(\ell)-1} \lambda_i^0\Big)$. Then
$\hat{\Pi}_{t N}^{(\ell)}=D^{-1} Q \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i^0 \varepsilon_{i t} g_{i t}+(1-q) \hat{\Pi}_{t N}^{(\ell-1)}+o_P(1)$ uniformly in $t$ and
\hat{\Pi}_{t N}^{(\ell)} \stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} N\left(0, D^{-1} Q {\color{red}\Gamma_{1 g, t}(q)} Q^{\prime} D^{-1}\right) \text { as }(\ell, N, T) \rightarrow \infty
$\hat{\Pi}_{i T}^{(\ell)}=\left(Q^{\prime}\right)^{-1} \frac{1}{\sqrt{T}} \sum_{t=1}^T F_t^0 \varepsilon_{i t} g_{i t}+(1-q) \hat{\Pi}_{i T}^{(\ell-1)}+o_P(1)$ uniformly in $i$ and
\hat{\Pi}_{i T} \stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} N\left(0,\left(Q^{\prime}\right)^{-1} {\color{red}\Phi_{1 g, i}(q)} Q^{-1}\right) \text { as }(\ell, N, T) \rightarrow \infty,
$\left(\frac{1}{N} \Sigma_{1 F, i t}+\frac{1}{T} \Sigma_{1 \Lambda, i t}\right)^{-1 / 2}\left(\hat{C}_{i t}^{(\ell)}-C_{i t}^0\right) \stackrel{d}{\rightarrow} N(0,1)$ as $(\ell, N, T) \rightarrow \infty$.
Determining the number of factors via CV
Given the $T \times N$ matrix of observations $X$:
randomly sample elements in $X$ with a fixed probability $p \in(0,1)$
leave the rest $(1-p)$-proportion of observations as held-out entries for the out-of-sample evaluation.
Let $\Omega^\star \subset[N] \times[T]$ be the index set of the training entries and $\Omega_{\perp}^\star$ the index set of the held-out entries.
Let $G^\star$ denote a $T \times N$ matrix with $(t, i)$ th element given by $g_{i t}^\star$.
Now we can regard $P_{\Omega^\star} X$ as the $T \times N$ data matrix with missing values replaced by zeros.
Determining the number of factors via CV
Given $P_{\Omega^\star} X$, we apply the proposed EM algorithm to recover the data via estimating the common component matrix $C$ for any given number of factors.
To proceed, we consider the full singular value decomposition (SVD) for $\frac{1}{p} P_{\Omega^\star} X$:
\frac{1}{p} P_{\Omega^\star} X=\tilde{U} \tilde{\Sigma} \tilde{V}^{\prime}=\sum_{r=1}^{T \wedge N} \tilde{u}_r \tilde{v}_r^{\prime} \tilde{\sigma}_r,
$\tilde{\Sigma}\in\mathbb{R}^{T \times N}$ is the diagonal matrix that contains the singular values, $\tilde{\sigma}_1, \tilde{\sigma}_2, \ldots, \tilde{\sigma}_{T \wedge N}$, arranged in descending order along the main diagonal line.
Given any $R \leq T \wedge N$ and the training entries in $P_{\Omega^\star} X$, we can estimate the common component $C$ by the singular value thresholding procedure:
\tilde{C}_R=S_H\left(\frac{1}{p} P_{\Omega^\star} X, R\right)=\tilde{U}_R \tilde{\Sigma}_R \tilde{V}_R^{\prime}=\sum_{r=1}^R \tilde{u}_r \tilde{v}_r^{\prime} \tilde{\sigma}_r,
where $S_H(\cdot, R)$ is the rank-R truncated SVD of $\cdot$, t
Determining the number of factors via CV
Let $\tilde{C}_{R, i t}$ denote the $(t, i)$ th element of $\tilde{C}_R$ for $R \geq 1$.
We propose to choose $R$ to minimize the following CV criterion function
{\color{red}\widetilde{C V}(R)=\frac{1}{N T} \sum_{(i, t) \in \Omega_{\perp}^\star}\left[X_{i t}-\tilde{C}_{R, i t}\right]^2.}
Let $\tilde{R}=\arg \min _{0 \leq R \leq R_{\max }} \widetilde{C V}(R)$ where $R_{\max }$ is a fixed integer that is no less than $R_0$
A more efficient method
Can we use the $\ell$-step estimator $\hat C_{R,it}^{(\ell)}$ ?
Suppose that we have obtained the estimates $\hat{C}_{R, i t}^{(\ell-1)}$. In step $\ell$, we can replace the zero elements in $X^\star \equiv P_{\Omega^\star} X$ with the estimated common components $\hat{C}_{R_{\max }, i t}^{(\ell-1)}$
Define the $T \times N$ matrix $\hat{X}^{\star(\ell)}$ with its $(t, i)$ th element given by
\hat{X}_{i t}^{\star(\ell)}= \begin{cases}X_{i t} & \text { if }(i, t) \in \Omega^\star \\ \hat{C}_{R_{\max }^{(\ell-1)}}, & \text { if }(i, t) \in \Omega_{\perp}^\star, \ell \geq 1,\end{cases}
where $\Omega_{\perp}^\star=\big\{(i, t) \in[N] \times[T]:(i, t) \notin \Omega^\star\big\}$
Conduct the singular value thresholding procedure:
\hat{C}_R^{(\ell)}=S_H\big(\hat{X}^{*(\ell)}, R\big)=\hat{U}_R^{(\ell)} \hat{\Sigma}_R^{(\ell)} \hat{V}_R^{(\ell) \prime},
repeating the above procedure for $\ell=1, \ldots, \ell^\star \equiv\left\lfloor\ln \left(\epsilon_{N T}\right) / \log (p)\right\rfloor$
Let $\hat{C}_R=\hat{C}_R^{(\ell^\star)}$ and $\hat{R}=\arg \min _{0 \leq R \leq R_{\max }} \widehat{C V}(R)$, where
\widehat{C V}(R)=\frac{1}{N T} \sum_{(i, t) \in \Omega_{\perp}^\star}\left[X_{i t}-\hat{C}_{R, i t}\right]^2
The consistency of the CV method
Assumption A.7.
For $r=R_{0+1}, \ldots, R_{\max }, \\ P\Big(\big\|\tilde{u}_r\big\|_{\infty}\big\|\tilde{v}_r\big\|_{\infty} \leq 1 /\big(c_0 \sqrt{(N+T) \log (N+T)}\big)\Big) \rightarrow 1$
for some fixed $c_0<\infty$ as $(N, T) \rightarrow \infty$, $\left\|\tilde{u}_r\right\|_{\infty}=o_P(1)$, and $\left\|\tilde{v}_r\right\|_{\infty}=o_P(1)$
Theorem 3.1. Suppose some assumptions hold. Then $P\left(\tilde{R}<R_0\right) \rightarrow 0$ as $(N, T) \rightarrow \infty$. If Assumption A.7 also holds, then $P\left(\tilde{R}>R_0\right) \rightarrow 0$ as $(N, T) \rightarrow \infty$.
Theorem 3.2. Suppose some assumptions hold. Then $P\left(\hat{R}<R_0\right) \rightarrow 0$ as $(N, T) \rightarrow \infty$. If Assumption A.7 also holds, then $P\left(\hat{R}>R_0\right) \rightarrow 0$ as $(N, T) \rightarrow \infty$.
CV in the presence of random missing
Consider the SVD for $\frac{1}{p \tilde{q}} P_{\Omega^\star} P_{\Omega} X$ :
\frac{1}{p \tilde{q}} P_{\Omega^\star} P_{\Omega} X=\tilde{U} \tilde{\Sigma} \tilde{V}^{\prime},
Then we estimate the common component $C$:
\tilde{C}_R=S_H\left(\frac{1}{p \tilde{q}} P_{\Omega^\star} P_{\Omega} X, R\right)=\tilde{U}_R \tilde{\Sigma}_R \tilde{V}_R^{\prime},
where $\tilde{U}_R, \tilde{V}_R$, and $\tilde{\Sigma}_R$ are defined as before. Let $\tilde{R} \in\big\{0,1,2, \ldots, R_{\max }\big\}$ minimize the following $\mathrm{CV}$ function
\widetilde{C V}(R)=\frac{1}{N T} \sum_{(i, t) \in {\color{red}\Omega_{\perp}^\star \cap \Omega}}\left[X_{i t}-\tilde{C}_{R, i t}\right]^2,
We use a panel dataset FRED-QD, which is an unbalanced panel at the quarterly frequency.
The dataset consists of 248 quarterly U.S. indicators from 1959Q1 to 2018Q2.
Use 125 time series to estimate the latent factors.
Consider the forecast based on the following factor-augmented autoregression (FA-AR) models:
y_{t+h}^h=\phi_h^{(1)}+\phi_h^{(2)}(L) \hat{F}_t+\phi_h^{(3)}(L) y_t+\varepsilon_{t+h}^h, h=1,2,4,
$y_t$ is one of the four macro-variables (i.e., RGDP, GDP, IP, and RDPI)
$\hat{F}_t$ is the estimated vector of factors
$\phi_h^{(1)}$ is the intercept term, $L$ is the lag operator
$\phi_h^{(2)}(L)$ and $\phi_h^{(3)}(L)$ are finite-order polynomials of the lag operators